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We’re not the only ones excited about our high-touch approach to human resources. Read these powerful case studies...The challenges, the solutions and the results.


VHT Studios

Payroll & HR Outsourcing

Services rendered:

  • HRO

The Challenge

Imagine being the owner of a company with 65 employees and having your controller that managed payroll and HR tasks retire after 20 years of doing the job single-handedly. You might outsource accounting and try to manage without a system in place or the technology to support your needs. Yes, you want to focus on servicing clients and growing your company, but the HR issues can be all-consuming and your time is spent on putting out fires.

The Solution

VHT Studies engaged emphasisHR, who provided a complete HR proactive solution after an extensive on-site assessment of the company's needs and challenges.

“Our team came up with a proactive and comprehensive HR plan for VHT Studios and emphasisHR became an extension of VHT Studios by personalizing our services to their needs, helping them create a modern and progressive workplace, all for a great value”

— Laurence Marx, emphasisHR Co-Founder

The Result

Within a couple of months, emphasisHR put together all the disciplines within HR; payroll, compliance, technology, and administration, into one team, and implemented it, all at a price point VHT can justify. Today, VHT Studio's CEO has a consistent, dependable, and dedicated team to manage all of the company's HR needs, so he can continue to grow his company and free his team to focus on strategy and growth. Moreover, he can use the money saved to create greater client engagement. The personalized proactive solution that EHR provided transformed the way VHT manages payroll, benefits, compliance, and all HR tasks!

Let us do the work. Schedule a free consultation!

Would you like to know how Emphasis can streamline your HR processes, deliver cost savings, and free up your time to focus on growing your business? Start by scheduling a free consultation.