# Emphasis HR continues to closely monitor COVID-19 as it develops through the CDC and World Health Organization, as well as our local authorities. For up to date information on this global event and our response, please view our COVID-19 Preparedness Blog. # #

With the right people, a growing company hits new milestones at warp speed. Without the brightest talent though, growth can quickly stall.

We’ll Take Care Of:

  • Long-term recruiting strategy
  • Comprehensive needs analysis
  • Identify target candidate qualities
  • Job description consulting
  • Manage job posting services
  • Source top talent
  • Build initial candidate slate
  • Screening and interviewing
  • Submit qualified candidates with detailed interview notes
  • Conduct reference checks
  • Advise on job offer and acceptance

“There just aren’t enough hours in the day for me to source and interview candidates while trying to run this company. Now I don’t have to; emphasisHR does it all, and I just welcome the new folks to our team.”

Avoid Talent Crisis.

We’ll study your business strategy, identifying and solving talent gaps within your workforce long before a crisis point.

Right-size Your Recruiting Costs.

We’ll apply our proven recruiting skills to save you from the steep costs and time-consuming tasks of finding today’s top talent on your own.

Get Data On Your Side.

We’ll leverage our custom HR platform to deliver robust analytics that gives you complete visibility and insight into your workforce.

Did You Know

79 percent of employees who quit their jobs claim that a lack of appreciation was a major reason for leaving.

With EmphasisHR, we can get you back to what you do best.

We've revolutionized the way small businesses manage payroll, benefits, compliance, recruiting and everything HR!

Let's Connect

Let Us Do the Work. Schedule a free consultation!

Would you like to know how Emphasis can streamline your HR processes, deliver cost savings, and free up your time to focus on growing your business? Start by scheduling a free consultation.