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Successful HRO
Change Management: Helps HR execute on their HRO implementation
A best-in-class approach to change management uses communication to build excitement among employees and HR staff, and training to ensure that the solution
delivers the desired results. Having the right focus and dedicated resources, like an experienced HRO partner, ensures that the right level of attention is given to change management.
A disciplined methodology to introducing HRO into a company’s existing environment focuses on the people-related issues of an outsourcing decision, and enables employers and their HRO partner to build a stronger relationship that helps ensure a successful rollout. As part of an ongoing process, they also enable HR to better manage its relationships and interactions with internal customers and stakeholders, and successfully realize the organization’s longer-term vision of transformation through HRO.
HRO has the ability to impact the entire organization – far beyond the HR department. From key stakeholders, executives and hourly workers, the management of the HRO transition process will determine how each of its constituencies responds to the new framework.