
What Your Business Should Know about the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
EmphasisHR COVID-19 Preparedness
Telemedicine: An Option to Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19
Emphasis HR’s Comprehensive Guide to Employee Engagement
What Should Your Business Outsource?
Companies outsource so many things to business partners. Many companies outsource payroll services and taxes. It's just as common to outsource the company's IT needs, web design, and marketing. It's cost-effective to let others handle these jobs. Despite this, there...
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In a 0% Unemployment Economy, How Do You Retain Your Best Talent?
Is a 0% unemployment rate possible? Experts all agree it's unlikely. It's never happened in U.S. history. While it's not feasible, it's interesting to think about what if it did. The inflation rate would increase. The economy could overheat and...
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Trends in HR Outsourcing
Your employees are the backbone of your company. If they're unhappy, they're more likely to move on or become inefficient at their jobs. Training and education only go so far. Employees who feel valued are going to stay and work...
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Strategies to incorporate technology into onboarding
Strategies to incorporate technology into onboarding Technology can help engage employees as soon as they are hired, and streamline tasks so they are more productive from the start. Here are five proven and effective strategies: Send welcome messages from key...
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